Friday, 25 May 2012

Night Slugs

Night Slugs is by far the best record label i have seen for design they keep it really fresh and different with there album covers always having really clever design. they appeal to there audience perfectly and are doing really well for themselves. 

vinyl cover

Here is a really nice and simple designs which really works on the vinyl cover. a linear pattern spelling out the albums name.

Cd case

I really like this CD case produced here it feels like there is so much depth and not just another flat packaging. The design is spot on here and nice and simple.

Music range

Here is a nice big music range created for a band. mainly photography used in these pieces but they do work really well together

EMotion Records

I found this record label? on youtube not sure if it is legitamet of just a youtube channel as there is know other sign of them on the web.
Saying this i do really like there logo and youtube artwork is all the same for each song making it easy to know which ones are from there channel


Here is a music related poster which has been done for the band RUN DMC. it choses there most iconic clothing to resembel them which ifeel works really well.


The artist Blackmill always has a beautiful setting often digitally made pieces to set the mood for his music. this is a really nice idea and i will look into making some youtube artwork hopefully

Type poster

really crisp poster with lovely type layout

youtube video

This was a really well done video. simple 4 way pattern which moves with tthe beat the pattern is made up of parts from buildings.


some really nice gradients and colours used fot these publications

business card

Some very cleaver business card designs in the age of apple i think this would get this man some jobs


The colours used for the cover of this book are beautiful. not my type of design but i would like to eplore this style more

Triangular pattern

here is a lovely pattern produced with triangels.

Hospital Records

Probably the best record label for promting themselves. Hospital records has become a cult its got a huge following and die hard fans. It promotes it'self in may different ways such as thought a regular podcast, massive events, radio, and thought youtube very succesfully. 
design is consistant but can take many froms. 
one issue i find is the website as there isn't a home button on all the pages and often have to toll back to find the page with the links out. 

Fat Cat Records

FAT CAT Records. Not one that interests me but they do have a nice website and there logo is very adaptable as it takes a different form on each web page. this is something i hope to do with my logo and make it very adaptable. 

Pantone Music

For such a sick name and the design connotations to go with that name there is nothing pantone about this at all. the website is just hideous. 

Mo' Wax

A Record label from the 90's love the 'old skool' vibe and the nice vibrate colours looking alot like spray paint.

Redeye Digital

Redeye Digital is a massive record label with some absolute high rollers in the D&B world. The design of there vinyl and artwork is stunning and totally different for each artist which i nice to see. This is one record label i feel is good to look at for inspiration. 

Commercial Suicide

Commercial suicide been a record label i am familiar with produces amazing D&B music but looking at there website it doesn't reflect that at all. the product range is slim and they need a bit of a revamp themselves bringing them more up to date. 

Mr Bongo


Totally different from my style of work but still a good amount of well designed artists and vinyls.