Saturday, 10 December 2011

Inglorious Bastards Kinetic Tpye

Inglorious Basterds Kinetic Type from aki chang on Vimeo.
simple animation for the film inglorious bastards

Dubstep Typography Tutorial

Dubstep Tutorial from Nate Londa on Vimeo.
A cleaver video about making a Dubstep tune. very cleaver as the type is used is a way to compliment the music and speakning over it.

kinetic Type

Digital Design (Spring 2011)
Oklahoma State University
Professor Justen Renyer
Illustrator, Soundbooth, Cinema 4D, After Effects

This Kinetic Typography project was created from the dialogue of Conan O'Brien's final episode of The Tonight Show on NBC. In this farewell address, he describes his feelings towards NBC and the situation at hand. His personality exudes positivity and humor allowing this dialogue to describe his character very well. Even through the hardships of leaving NBC he promotes hard work and kindness.

The concept behind this video is to show Conan O'Brien as a the monumental entertainer and solid wall that he is. Conan O'Brien is and will continue to be a seasoned television entertainer. After drawing inspiration from Lou Dorfsman's Gastrotypographicalassemblage, this concept was achieved by creating a literal wall from over 60 individual typographic layouts. These custom crafted layouts reference a variety of eclectic type design. The combination of eclectic typography and modern 3D letter forms achieved in Cinema 4D provides a contrast between old and new. This contrast emphasizes time to create a sturdy and timeless object. This solidity and timelessness is the perfect representation of Conan O'Brien. 
Conan O'Brien Kinetic Typography from Jacob Gilbreath on Vimeo.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Pixar Animation

A animation from my childhood here from back in the day watching Disney films. The lamps movement is very well animated and the light coming from it reacts natuarally wherever it is facing. The bouncing effect on the I is extremely realistic and would like to experiment with such techniques myself.
Dispite the only using a gradient on the background you get a scene on a 3D space. Also a slight showdow at the bottom of the letters also help on add to the 3D effect.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Great Animation by Sebastian Baptista, a Motion Designer from Uruguay (based in England).
Make it better from Sebastianbap on Vimeo.

Inlingua from jvdemari on Vimeo.

The German agency OPTIX Digital Pictures has created a text war for Inlingua business english. “Only where handle the English language, survived the word war.” I die every day ;)

Inlingua from jvdemari on Vimeo.

The German agency OPTIX Digital Pictures has created a text war for Inlingua business english. “Only where handle the English language, survived the word war.” I die every day ;)

An infographic dissecting the nature and ramifications of Stuxnet, the first weapon made entirely out of code. This was produced for Australian TV program HungryBeast on Australia's ABC1

Direction and Motion Graphics: Patrick Clair
Written by: Scott Mitchell
Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus from Patrick Clair on Vimeo.

Samy Deluxe - Poesiealbum (Official Video HQ)

Samy Deluxe - Poesiealbum (Official Video HQ) from NOYZ R UZ on Vimeo.

Breaking Bad Intro

Design For Screen

Design for Screen