Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Good cafe website

I found this really attractive website for a cafe called Morgan St Cafe. i love the use of a wooded side bar and use of photography for each page works really well. A very minimal design throughout which showcases the content really well. 

Coffee Photography

Really like this uses of coffee and think it is a really good photograph.  The image created is an owl and the coffee is photographed and set up really nicely. Would make a good image for on packaging or website. 

Interesting Folds

Here is a nice fold out document which is something like what i want to produce for my It's nice that brief. I like the simple layout and keeping it really structured.

2 Colour Print

Found this really nice book which is the style i am trying to go for on my new It's Nice That brief where i use a 2 colour print images one colour and text another. I really like this book think its a little stunner.

Coffee type

some nice hand drawn typography spelling the word coffee

Coffee Poster

Really attractive 2 colour poster advertising a coffee shop. Really simple and effective poster. Useful research for both coffee project and Soft porn. 

Interesting folds

Here is a piece that uses different folds effectively. The triangular pattern help explain the fold. Good piece of design